But a hundred years ago, everyone would have known precisely what you meant; by 1900 the Morris chair had become the preferred type of easy chair for sitting in formal parlors or for relaxing in front of the fire. The FDR Suite, in fact, had two: one for Franklin, and one for ... Initially I lay out the major parts of the chair by sketching them on the wood, paying particular attention to the grain and color match of the wood. I plane two sides of the boards so that they have a& ...
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But there was a difference - British Morris chairs always used fabric cushions behind the back and under the bottom; other countries might have preferred leather or other materials. Recently at the National Gallery of Victoria I saw a chair ... Machine technology opened up endless possibilities; Hoffmann wanted Viennese craftsmen to use machinery to make identical chair parts cheaply, fast and with a lovely finish. In the end we can say that while Hoffmann used the& ...
The guy is at www.scarboroughmarshfurniture.com if you`re looking for Morris chair parts. I haven`t ordered yet so I can`t give a review but I will once I`ve got some experience. The Craigslist guy was a big lamp collector.
The other extreme chair is the “Sitzmachine” by the Viennese designer Josef Hoffmann. He had no aversion to using machines to do what they did best, which was to make identical parts with great precision. (Like Morris& ...
But a hundred years ago, everyone would have known precisely what you meant; by 1900 the Morris chair had become the preferred type of easy chair for sitting in formal parlors or for relaxing in front of the fire. The FDR Suite, in fact, had two: one for Franklin, and one for ... Initially I lay out the major parts of the chair by sketching them on the wood, paying particular attention to the grain and color match of the wood. I plane two sides of the boards so that they have a& ...
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